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Mangos Kitchen Bar Drinks

¡Hola amigos! Today, vamos a darle un vistazo a algunas de las latin drinks. From the lively streets of Mexico to the colorful plazas of Colombia, these drinks not only quench your thirst but also tell a story of culture and tradition.

Latin Drink Margarita (Mexico)

Latin Drinks in vancouver

Let’s kick things off with a classic favorite, the Margarita. Originating from Mexico, this zesty cocktail is a fiesta in a glass! Picture yourself on a sunny beach, salt on the rim, and that refreshing blend of tequila, lime juice, and Cointreau. ¡Salud!

Pisco Sour (Peru)

Latin drinks Near Vancouver

Next up, we head south to Peru for the Pisco Sour. Este cóctel packs a punch with its mix of Pisco, lime juice, simple syrup, and a touch of egg white for that frothy top. It’s tangy, it’s smooth, and it’s a must-try when exploring Peruvian cuisine.

Caipirinha (Brazil)

Mexican restaurant

Now, let’s samba over to Brazil for the Caipirinha. This vibrant cocktail is a carnival of flavors, featuring Cachaça (a sugarcane spirit), muddled lime, sugar, and ice. It’s sweet, it’s tangy, and it’s the perfect companion for a day at the beach or a night of dancing.

Mojito (Cuba)

Drinks in mexican restaurant

Ah, Cuba! Home to the Mojito, a drink that’s as cool as the Caribbean breeze. Made with rum, fresh mint leaves, lime juice, sugar, and soda water, this cocktail is a symphony of refreshing flavors. ¡Qué rico!

Michelada (Mexico)

Mangos kitchen bar

Back to Mexico for another gem: the Michelada. This cerveza preparada is like a party in your mouth! With beer, lime juice, assorted sauces (like Worcestershire and hot sauce), and Tajín or salt on the rim, it’s spicy, tangy, and oh-so-satisfying.

Mate (Argentina)

Latin restaurant

Now, let’s switch gears to something non-alcoholic but equally iconic: Mate from Argentina. This herbal tea, traditionally sipped from a gourd through a metal straw called a bombilla, is a symbol of friendship and hospitality. ¡Un matecito, por favor!

Agua de Jamaica (Mexico)

drinks in vancouver

Lastly, let’s cool off with Agua de Jamaica from Mexico. This vibrant red drink is made from dried hibiscus flowers, steeped and sweetened to perfection. It’s tangy, floral, and a favorite refresher during hot days.

So, whether you’re sipping a Margarita on a sunny terrace or sharing a Mate with friends, each of these famous drinks of Latin American. ¡Salud y buen provecho!

Latin drinks in Vancouver

We hope you enjoy this colorful journey through some of Latin America’s most beloved beverages!

Would you like to see what we have for you at Mangos? Visit us and try our delicious drinks at our special Happy Hour every week. 😍😍

Famous drinks of Latin American in Vancouver.

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